Laying down horizontal stripes and playing with vertical relationships

Robert Larson. 30 x 40 inches.  Acrylic on Canvas. June 2014
This Painting is no longer available in this version.  I painted over it, and added a layer of off white paint.  It was a breakthrough moment, and took some guts to paint over so many areas that I had built up over time.

As one ponders the vertical relationships of the painting, it is clear that there is an internal logic inherent in the way the painting was constructed.  The viewer is able to discover this logic based on patterns that are plain to see, but difficult to discover due to the game that ensues.  This playful construction of a composition continues to amuse me as a painter.  

To experience this, follow a colorful line, and when it stops look vertically to find the continuation of the line.  Each horizontal line has an invisible vertical relationship, except for one. The visual experience that occurs has amused me through the years.  This painting style playfully demonstrates the dynamic relationship between simplicity and complexity and the games that can be played between constructs and possibilities.   


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